L’sipuktuk Kina’matimkewo’kuom, also known as Elsipogtog First Nation Community School, is located in Elsipogtog First Nation, situated along the Richibucto River, within the Sikniktuk District of Mi’kma’ki, in the Province of New Brunswick. Elsipogtog School is a K4 to Grade 8 school, serving over 350 students from our community of 3,500.
The new Elsipogtog First Nation Community School building, a replacement to the old school (past its lifecycle at over 40 years old), accommodates K4 to Grade 8 students. The new school’s design draws inspiration from the Mi’kmaq culture and the local environment, featuring elements such as large art murals, large windows, high ceilings, custom tree-like columns, and the Medicine Wheel colours. One of the building’s most defining features is its semi-circular layout, where kindergarten students begin their educational journey in the east pod. As they grow, they gradually move westward until their graduation as mature grade 8 students in the west pod, reflecting the movement of the seasons and natural sunlight through the building each day.
The official grand opening celebration for the new school building was held on June 21, 2022.